Pantophlet sworn in as attorney at law

On December 9, 2024, amidst colleagues and close relatives, Managing Partner of DEJONG, Ms. Valya Pantophlet, was officially sworn in as an attorney at law.
The oath taking ceremony was conducted by a panel of three judges, led by Mr. Gertjan
Wouters, Vice-President of the Joint Court of Justice.
During this momentous occasion, Pantophlet vowed to obtain the highest standards and
integrity as is required in the legal profession, but also those that underscore the values upheld
With this milestone now behind us, Pantophlet is eager to continue her quest to addressing
critical community needs, particularly succession land issues in St. Maarten, Statia, and Saba
as well as promoting amicable dispute resolution, which has its benefits in small island
communities over lengthy and contentious litigation.

The post Pantophlet sworn in as attorney at law appeared first on Pearl FM Radio.

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