SXM DOET Announces T-Shirt Competition Winners

~Sustainable DIY T-Shirt Competition a Success~

On Friday March 31 st , the SXM DOET project team coordinators announced the winners of the sustainable DIY T-shirt decoration competition. The prize giving ceremony was held at Gelateria Milano on the boardwalk. The winners of the adult section are Rosanna Philips (3 rd place), Estika Halley (2 nd place), and Josianne Cannegieter (1 st place). The
winners of the youth section are Eya Teunissen (3 rd place), Latoya Arrindell (2 nd place), and Goldie Puhoja (1 st place). The prizes for the adult section were a 2023 Carnival season pass (3 rd place), a midline custom from Blue Etoile (2 nd place), and a weekend stay at the Morgan Resort and Spa (1 st place). The youth prizes were five (5) gift vouchers for Gelataria Milano, a $50 gift certificate for Bebe ‘N’ Kids (2 nd place), and a Samsung tablet (1 st place) of Classic Electronics.
The shirts were judged by a panel of creative individuals in the community and the 3 rd place winners were judged based on the number of social media likes. The judges were Stacy-Ann Taylor, Joost de Jong, Nathalie van Henneigen – Parotte and Zillah Duzon-Hazel. The judges were impressed with the submissions and were honored to be part of the panel of judges.
SXM DOET, on average, attracts roughly 1200 to 1400 volunteers on a yearly basis, and has printed more than 10,000 shirts over the last nine (9) years. To promote the reusing of past years shirts and sustainability, the project management team came up with the concept of the shirt competition. For the first year of the competition, there were 10 entries in the adult section and five (5) in the youth section. “We were truly impressed with the submissions and
the desire is to have the competition grow on a larger scale, whereby persons are more aware of the importance of maintaining and reusing their clothing”, the team of coordinators indicated.

The coordination team would like to thank the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF), Natalie van Henneigen – Parotte from Blue Etoile Production, The Morgan Resort and Spa, Gelataria Milano, and Classic Electronics for sponsoring the amazing prizes.
All the beautiful t-shirt submissions can be seen on our social pages and can be used as inspiration for next year’s competition. To stay up to date with all things SXM DOET related, be sure to follow sxm.doet on Instagram, and or email us at

The post SXM DOET Announces T-Shirt Competition Winners appeared first on Pearl FM Radio.

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